Archiv der Kategorie: this();

this() is blog-related;

is blog related stuff. hat irgendwie dann mit dem ding hier zu tun, also der domain hier.


while iam trying to reach a cloud instance as db-tier, called dashDB, some side effect of the toolset here, is excentrical and need to be named…i tried with aqua data studio, but that failed as well, while java-8 is working under the hood and that 8 versions from times ago and now, wont play together :/

datastudio with half set home path for that vendor … crashed … oracle – make my day again …
agenity, some proposed query workbench wont work with the current cloud instance…? tells me something about a version, i want dasdb, he means db2v9.0.0.2 – but where to put that driverclass then ?

meanwhile, i have found some equivalent to such tools, called „aginity workbench for dasndb„, also a eclipse based tool.

da geht noch was auf fuerte

wieder mal ferienzeit und wie der zufall, durchfall, reinfall oder auch rheinfall so will und spielt, sind in meiner tasche die
da geht noch was“ aufkleber sticker von ( ehemals herbslebmedia/basti. also hurtig eins am balkon meines zimmers befestigt, fotofiert, versandt und massig respect geerntet….

da geht noch was auf fuerte
da geht noch was auf fuerte

ustream broadcasting

while we spoke, to get a hardcore radio back in business, the infrastructure as a service is there. at, one can do exactly whats needed, taking care for content, audience and growth. the prices starts at 99$ for 100 slots/user. 5 user is free, more then the entry plan is possible, for not named numbers.

the embeddable player, with activated social  and archive function, can be seen and used, like below. sharing that link is then a click away.

[updated 20191119 link above]

to get linked to my profile there, follow that url ->

return of the hardcore II

am 17.05.16 war es wieder zeit, um den hardcore wiederkehren zu lassen. mit einer fuji x-a2 war ich dort unterwegs, und habe den abend über bilder geschossen. die gesammelten bilder habe ich mittels picasa dann in einen film rendern lassen, der der länge des audiotracks entspricht.

als background kommt „the speedfreak – street trash“ in der deutschen version um einsatz, da wärend der aufnahme der bilder kaum zeit für live-recording war. im kili/void im wiesenweg in berlin finden unregelmäßige veranstaltungen statt, die durch fremdveranstalter bestritten werden.


mit dem bauarbeiterhandy war es nun soweit. ich konnte wärmebilder aufzeichnen, selbst als bewegtbild, im clip. mit grad mal vga ( 640 x 480 ) auflösung ist damit noch einiges erkennbar, wie in den clips zu sehen ist. der hersteller der kamera bietet auch externe module an, die sich autark oder mit android oder ios devices koppeln lassen und so aus jedem handy, ein halbes bauarbeiterhandy machen….

jedoch ist der ton absolut übersteuert, da kann das iphone einiges mehr bieten, was audiophile geister angeht.

ext-gwt one page diagram

one is using ext-gwt for the creation of graphical user interfaces, a couple of things are needed, that such construct is maintainable and configurable, from the backend. all sources are written in java and then compiled to javascript. websockets, ajax, all the fancy stuf will be conducted in „object manner“ on that level.

architecture diagram
gui architecture for static content blocks and dynamic inlays

i noticed, that the dynamic part of a page is the minor part, that matters. the static part, with css, js and so on, needs a lot of attention, while coding. so i tryed some 3rd party stuff, with jquery for success.  with“bootstrap“ the div-container are prepared, configured and accesible from the dom-tree and the context in general. the page can be separated with ease and little effort, on version changes. some diagram might help to prepare the page design over all elements.

frankfurt from above

the single chance, to enter the twin tower in frankfurt/main is rare.

so i went there for a biz meeting and i had some minutes in silence, during a break, where the view was grant, the sun shining and reflections so less.

frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above
frankfurt from above